Monday, September 26, 2011

Online Tools That Have Changed My Life

In 1996, the Reeves Family experienced our first household computer. I remember Battle Chess, the Oregon Trail, and the good old-fashioned joystick. Ah, those were the days.

And then came the internet. Our house was a little behind the times. Back then, I had to ask for permission to log on, which took a full 10 minutes with all those dial tones. (Fun fact, my parents still have dial up internet. Yes, it still exists!) Regardless, our lives have never been the same. From Ask Jeeves to Google, MSN Messenger to Facebook Chat. Here is an ode to the life-changing internet tools I use today and every day:

  • Google Docs allows multiple users to view and edit the same file in real time, automatically saving changes along the way. As a college student, it was super convenient to work on a group project without actually physically meeting in person.
  • LinkedIn and Twitter as networking tools. Both can be great professional communication tools when used correctly. I personally post my resume on LinkedIn and frequently use the job search capability. On Twitter, I follow inspiring marketing professionals and send personalized messages inquiring about open job positions. Both seem to be much more effective than simply emailing a resume.
  • On a more personal note, Pinterest has been sucking up a lot of my time. A platform to organize creativity, this website inspires me with new recipes to try and DIY ideas. It's even inspiring me to create my own DIY blog (...stay tuned for more on that one).

  • Groupon, LivingSocial, Deal Garden, etc. These sites offer products that are 50% or more discounted. I've bought restaurant gift cards, hair cuts, and gym memberships. The sky is the limit and the savings are brag-worthy.
  • Pandora. If you've read other posts, you've read my praise for Pandora. When iTunes went from charging $0.99 to $1.29... it was game over for me. I began using Pandora on a regular basis to stream music to my computer and phone. It's even experienced some great new changes in its look and usability. Not only is it free, but the ability to make play lists based on one song makes this an instant favorite for a professional/work setting. Just make sure your boss/cube mates/clients are accepting, too.
Of course I could go on (Facebook... Facebook... Facebook...), but you get the point. That's my digital life in a (very very small) nutshell. What web tools have changed your life?